We would like to inform you that we are going to be conducting a vegetation maintenance assessment for SaskPower on transmission line CIRCUIT which runs through properties within your town and RM.
We will be patrolling to identify vegetation that is encroaching on the powerlines and presents a safety hazard to the safe and reliable operation of the SaskPower network. We will be in contact with landowners and RM offices if we identify any work on those properties.
The vegetation assessors will be driving a silver Ford 150.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me using the details below.
We anticipate completing this assessment in JULY 2024. We shall notify you again once it has been completed.
Thank you,

Urmat Mambetaliev
Consulting Arborist
Davey Resource Group Canada, a division of the Davey Tree Expert Co of Canada Ltd.
ISA Certified Arborist # PR-5539A
C: 306-737-7008